Accurascale, a company which have now firmly established themselves at the leading edge of OO Gauge model railway manufacturers, have signalled that they are looking at the possibility of entering the UK N Gauge market in what has the potential to be a paradigm shift for the smaller scale.

Accurascale have built a reputation for delivering high quality, accurate models packed with features and technology and they are now seeking feedback from the N Gauge community on which models in their current OO catalogue they would like to see downsized to N.

This interest in the scale from Accrascale represents a significant opportunity for N Gauge modellers to welcome a new entrant into the market who have the potential to move the scale forward and bring some much needed models to their layouts.
It should of course be highlighted that Accurascale are not complete strangers to N Gauge, having already produced models such as the PCA bulk cement wagons for Realtrack Models, and the twin axle PFA container flats for Revolution Trains.

N Gauge News caught up with Accurascale for a chat about their thoughts on N Gauge at the London Festival of Railway Modelling, held at Alexandra Palace. Watch the interview here: