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British Finescale announce improved N Gauge point kits

Writer: N Gauge NewsN Gauge News

To celebrate 10 years in business, British Finescale have announced an improved version of their N Gauge 'FineTrax' point kits.

British Finescale FineTrax N Gauge Point Kit

British Finescale FineTrax N Gauge Point Kit

The updated kits now feature sleeper bases which are moulded complete with all the chairs in place. This removes the need for modellers to thread individual chairs onto the rail before locating them in pre-drill holes and promises to be a sizeable time saver!

Another significant change is the use of actual rail for the common crossing instead of using a casting. The kits will now come with 2x pre machined 'V' rails which simply slide into the base. This greatly improves the visual appearance and results in smoother running of stock.

The kits also come included with a pair of pre machined switch blades with plates and pins already pre soldered to them. No jigs, no filing of switch blades and no soldering of plates.

The complete list of features is:

  • Plastic turnout base complete with ALL chairs pre fitted to the base as one single piece. Includes standard S1 chairs, P Slide chairs, L1 Bridge chairs, PW & PWX check rail chairs, Correctly represented slab & bracket 'A' chair that bolts the V on the crossing frog on the prototype.

  • Pre machined common crossing V's.

  • Pre machined switch blades, complete with pins pre soldered, the pins will locate into pre drilled holes into the tie bar.

  • CNC machined tie bar, with pre drilled holes for both switch rails and 1mm hole for 'switch machine' actuator wire.

  • Code 40 Nickel Silver Bullhead rail.

  • Online instructions and upcoming video tutorials

British Finescale FineTrax N Gauge Point Kit

The final retail price for a complete standard turnout kit will be £22.99 plus postage. British Finescale are planning on launching the new range in January 2022 and it will include new style kits for all of the existing range of bullhead rail N Gauge turnouts, diamonds and slips.

(Until the range is launched in January, all orders for the N Gauge range will be the older design with sprues of chairs.)

More information will be available via the British Finescale website soon.

A review and assembly of the new kits can be viewed below:

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