Dapol have shown the first EP sample of their revised M7.
The changes focus on the chassis, which now features wheels with see through spokes. It does not however feature any DCC socket and there are no changes to the body moulding.

Versions being offered in the first batch are as follows:
2S-016-005 M7 0-4-4 Southern Lined Green 37
2S-016-006 M7 0-4-4 SWR Lined Green 245
2S-016-007 M7 0-4-4 Southern Black 246
2S-016-008 M7 0-4-4 British Railways Lined Malachite 30038
2S-016-009 M7 0-4-4 British Railways Lined Black 30248
2S-016-010 M7 0-4-4 BR Early emblem Lined Black 30673
2S-016-011 M7 0-4-4 BR Late Crest Lined Black 30245
2S-016-012 M7 0-4-4 LSWR Lined Green 35
For more information visit the Dapol website