Revolution Trains recently displayed the latest livery samples for their standard range of N Gauge Class 66 models, in additional to several retailer exclusive models.
Pre-orders direct from Revolution are now closed, but standard models can still be ordered from Revolution stockists
As always with samples, there are some corrections to detail/colours to be made prior to the final models entering production, and Revolution currently anticipate the Class 66 arriving with customers toward the end of summer.
Revolution Trains 'Standard Range' models
66404 DRS Compass Livery

66128 DB Cargo livery

66848 Colas Rail Freight Livery

66623 Freightliner Genesee & Wyoming Livery

66 66720 GBRF Wascosa Livery

Retailer Exclusives
66788 GBRf 'LOCOMOTION 15'

Military twin pack
66723 'Chinook' & 66775 'HMS Argyll'

For more information on the Class 66, visit the Revolution Trains website